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Topical Line Drives Book List – Books in the series, from the publisher web site.
Topical Line Drives Book List – Books in the series, from the publisher web site.
We’ve just released volume 23 of the Topical Line Drives series, Those Footnotes in Your New Testament: A Textual Criticism Primer for Everyone, by Thomas W. Hudgins.
The Topical Line Drives series titles are now available to be read on Scribd under their subscription plan. Find out more about subscriptions on their site. As I write this (November 3, 2019), they are advertising $8.99 per month for a subscription.
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Elgin and Hanna Hushbeck, authors of volume 38 of the Topical Line Drives series, To Love and Cherish: Ephesians 5 and the Challenge of Christian Marriage, have provided an interview regarding the book and some of its major themes. Preview / Retailers