Coming Soon in Topical Line Drives

We’re in the middle of a move, both physically (though only about 100 feet on the same property), and to a new catalog web site, so it may be a few days before I can get forthcoming books into the catalog. Nonetheless, there are forthcoming books to talk about in the Topical Line Drives series.
Our current authors have been stepping up to the plate (couldn’t resist yet another baseball metaphor) and submitting ideas and even manuscripts. I’d certainly hoped for a few, but I got more than I expected.
Remember that there are two broad categories of books in this series, related by being short (<44 pages) and making scholarship accessible. The first broad category presents ideas from the scholarly world to a popular audience (The Authorship of Hebrews: The Case for Paul). The second presents surveys of a topic for Christians from experts in the field (God the Creator: The Variety of Christian Views on Origins). Many books will not fit neatly into either category, but will fall somewhere between.
Here are some of the books that are far enough along in the process that I can announce them. I hope to get catalog pages up later this week. In all cases, precise titles will be determined later.
- Forgiveness by Dr. Harvey Brown. Harvey is president of Impact Ministries in Pigeon Forge, TN.
- What Protestants Should Know about Catholics and What Catholics Should Know about Protestants, two books by Dr. Robert LaRochelle. Bob is also author of Energion titles Crossing the Street and So Much Older Then …
- Holistic Spirituality in James and Process Theology: What Is It? by Dr. Bruce Epperly. Bruce is author of a bunch of books, including Energion titles Philippians: A Participatory Study Guide, Healing Marks, and Transforming Acts.
- The Lord’s Supper and The Authority of Scripture in a Postmodern Age: Some Help from Karl Barth by Dr. Robert D. Cornwall, who is also author of Energion titles Ephesians: A Participatory Study Guide, Faith in the Public Square, Unfettered Spirit, and Ultimate Allegiance.
- Grief and Mourning by Jody Neufeld, author of Energion titles Grief: Finding the Candle of Light and Daily Devotions of Ordinary People – Extraordinary God.
I’ll leave you to judge which category each of these leans toward, but we’re getting examples in each, and from some great authors.
Watch this space for more news!