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This book will be available soon on the iBookstore, Google Play, and for the Nook.
He provides a summary of the options and there’s good discussion in the comments (HT: Polumeros kai polutropos).
(From Dave Black Online, Monday, March 5, 2018. Used by permission.) 5:18 PMĀ So here’s another blog post that is guaranteed to bore you to death or at least put you to sleep. (So what’s new, eh?) This afternoon I was sitting in my home library reading Ephesians 4 when I “just happened” (= divine providence…
8:06 AM From The Authorship of Hebrews: The Case for Paul: Today, I’m intrigued to note how often exegetical arguments are based upon subjective internal evidence. Arguably, this is not the best way to approach exegetical conundrums when there is an abundance of external evidence to be considered. I would prefer that our students be…
[12/26/2016] 1:05 PM Man … I still can’t believe I just read this today. A commentator repeats an age-old argument against the Pauline authorship of Hebrews by noting how Paul quotes the Old Testament: “Scripture says” or “It is written.” Then he goes on to state, “The letter [of Hebrews] never uses these expressions but…
David Alan Black has written some notes about the authorship of Hebrews that will tie in to his book in the Topical Line Drives Series, titled unsurprisingly The Authorship of Hebrews. Until January 29, TLD books will be $4.99, but due to an increase in printer costs, they will go up $1.00 to $5.99 on…