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Forthcoming Titles
Don’t look for these in the catalog yet, but some will be there soon. These are titles that will be appearing over the next few weeks and months in the Topical Line Drives series. It’s in the nature of this series that we work them in between the larger volumes, so we don’t usually try…

A Leap of (Inter)Faith
New volume in the Topical Line Drives series.

Book Giveaway: Pandemic Trilogy
It’s possible many are saying that the pandemic is past. Part of it, indeed, is. But during the pandemic and as things started to look up, Energion author Bruce Epperly wrote three books in succession: Faith in a Time of Pandemic, Love in a Time of Crisis and Pandemic, and Hope After Pandemic. These three…
Now Available – Forgiveness: Finding Freedom from Your Past
Volume 3 in the Topical Line Drives series, Forgiveness: Finding Freedom from Your Past, is now shipping in print for just $4.99. It is also available for Kindle, and will soon be available for iBooks and other ebook formats.

Steve Kindle to Interview Henry Neufeld
At 1 pm central time on August 29, 2020 on Facebook Live, Energion author Rev. Steve Kindle will interview Henry Neufeld, owner of Energion and author of the book God the Creator: Toward a More Robust Doctrine of Creation.