Latest TLD: Those Footnotes in Your New Testament
We’ve just released volume 23 of the Topical Line Drives series, Those Footnotes in Your New Testament: A Textual Criticism Primer for Everyone, by Thomas W. Hudgins.
We’ve just released volume 23 of the Topical Line Drives series, Those Footnotes in Your New Testament: A Textual Criticism Primer for Everyone, by Thomas W. Hudgins.
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Topical Line Drives Book List – Books in the series, from the publisher web site.
Elgin and Hanna Hushbeck, authors of volume 38 of the Topical Line Drives series, To Love and Cherish: Ephesians 5 and the Challenge of Christian Marriage, have provided an interview regarding the book and some of its major themes. Preview / Retailers
The Topical Line Drives series titles are now available to be read on Scribd under their subscription plan. Find out more about subscriptions on their site. As I write this (November 3, 2019), they are advertising $8.99 per month for a subscription.