Video of Interview with Henry Neufeld on God the Creator
Thanks to Steve Kindle as the interviewer.
Thanks to Steve Kindle as the interviewer.
Elgin is author of a number of titles, including four in the Topical Line Drives Series:
We have finally released the 6th volume, just as we’re about to release the 40th in the series. God the Creator is now available in paperback and epub format. Buy God the Creator from Preview / Retailer
5:42 PM Since I have just published another book (The Authorship of Hebrews), I thought I would share with you few thoughts on the writing and reading of books: 1) The books I write are getting shorter and shorter. “Less is more” is becoming more of a reality and less of an old truism for…
The following is a PowerPoint presentation regarding the way Hebrews quotes the Old Testament, one of the elements in arguments regarding authorship. Some mobile devices may not be able to view the slide show, so I am embedding a PDF as well. This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office.
An Interview with Dr. Bruce Epperly
Energion author Elgin Hushbeck, Jr., author of Topical Line Drives title What is Wrong with Social Justice, is being interviewed on a number of local and national radio and TV shows. To follow the action or to find out where he will appear, check his web site, There’s an interviews page there and also…