Allan Bevere Interview: Holiness of Heart and Life
Allan Bevere Interview: Holiness of Heart and Life Energion owner Henry Neufeld interviewed Dr. Allan R. Bevere recently regarding his new volume in the Topical Line Drives series, Holiness of Heart and Life. Dr. Bevere works from the Wesleyan tradition and discusses topics such as the relationship of holiness and grace and the Wesleyan doctrine…

Book Giveaway: Pandemic Trilogy
It’s possible many are saying that the pandemic is past. Part of it, indeed, is. But during the pandemic and as things started to look up, Energion author Bruce Epperly wrote three books in succession: Faith in a Time of Pandemic, Love in a Time of Crisis and Pandemic, and Hope After Pandemic. These three…

A Leap of (Inter)Faith
New volume in the Topical Line Drives series.

New Logo for Topical Line Drives
We’ve just started using our new logo that fits the developing book list in this series.

Process Theology’s Contribution to Political Decision Making
From Bruce Epperly, author of Process Theology and Politics.

Topical Line Drives Series on AMazon
Amazon is offering the first 41 books of the series as a package for Kindle. As of March 7, 2021, the price listed is $122.46. Note that this can change.