HO GRAPSAS – Who Knows?

HO GRAPSAS – Who Knows?

Tuesday, January 10, 2017 4:30 PM Language is not a list of rules. And, of course, nothing in language is ever black and white. This is true of Greek as much as it’s true of any other language. Moreover, we all interpret Scripture though our own lens of culture, history, education, context, etc. So it’s…

Elgin Hushbeck Interviews

Elgin Hushbeck Interviews

Energion author Elgin Hushbeck, Jr., author of Topical Line Drives title What is Wrong with Social Justice, is being interviewed on a number of local and national radio and TV shows. To follow the action or to find out where he will appear, check his web site, Hushbeck.com. There’s an interviews page there and also…